【同义词辨析】 2019-05-14 谄媚fawn-cower

fawn: implies seeking favor by servile flattery or exaggerated attention and submissiveness: waiters ~ing over a celebrity. servile也是低三下四地恭顺阿谀奉承implies lowly status and fawning submissiveness,可见和fawn互释, 都表示卑微恭顺(submissive)和阿谀奉承, 如a political boss and his entourage of servile hangers-on政治老板和攀附于他的奴颜婢色的随从) hanger-on攀附他人趋炎附势的人

toady: suggests the attempt to ingratiate oneself by an abjectly menial or subservient attitude: never missed an opportunity to ~ to his boss.      ingratiate取悦使人喜欢,来自词根GRAT表示please使人喜欢,如grateful感激的舒服的,ingrate忘恩负义,gratify心理满足) (subservientmenial强调身份卑微因而顺从lowly status and obedience,但不表示谄媚,在2018-06-27 顺从subservient-obsequious组中)  (《百万英镑》里的店员名叫Tod,应该是toad的谐音双关,讽刺对富人谄媚)

truckle: implies the subordination of oneself and one's desires, opinions, or judgments to those of a superior: the rich are used to seeING others ~.  中文中阿谀表示专门说别人喜欢听的话

cringe: suggests a bowing or shrinking in physical or mental distress or in fear or servility: ~ing before a blow.

cower: suggests a display of abject fear before someone who threatens or domineers: as an adult he still ~s before his father.  domineer专横拔扈: 傲慢粗暴的使唤他人implies overbearing and tyrant manner in enforcing one's will,如domineering siblings order the younger ones about专横跋扈的哥姐使唤着弟妹)

fawn(人)阿谀奉承,(狗)爬来蹭去摇尾乞怜,小鹿: 指阿谀奉承过度关照顺从,为了讨要好处,toady谄媚: 表示为了讨人喜欢而表现得卑微顺从,truckle阿谀顺从: 指压抑个人愿望意见观点,去顺从上意,cringe畏缩: 表示退缩蜷曲,由于畏惧紧张或谄媚,cower畏惧: 在危险或专横的人面前,表现得畏惧

记忆方法: 1)首字母FTTCC想成服从他<==谄媚

         2)谄媚的意思是在上级面前表现卑微mean to act or behave abjectly before a superior.   (abject卑微debased and degraded,如the abject poverty of her youth她青年时期卑微贫穷)